Collaborating for Success: How a
National Gold Mining Company in Mauritania Can Boost the Economy and Improve Safety Conditions.

Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Minerals



Mauritania has enormous potential to develop its gold mining industry. However, the majority of national gold mining in Mauritania is done by individual miners using primitive tools with a lot of risk and randomness without any safety standard. These individual miners make about $150 million to $300 million annually, which is a lot. However, with the right support and cooperation from the government, this amount can be increased tremendously, while also improving safety conditions.

Mauritanian National Gold Mining Company


Establishing a national gold mining company that cooperates with individual miners can be the key to boosting the country's economy. The government can make use of its existing mining infrastructure and expertise (particularly SNIM) to help establish a well-organized and efficient gold mining industry that meets international standards. This cooperation will bring benefits to both the government and individual miners, creating a win-win situation.

The following is a proposed strategy and timeline for establishing a national gold mining company in Mauritania:


Day 0-30:


1- Develop a comprehensive plan to establish a national gold mining company in cooperation with individual miners.

2- Conduct a feasibility study to assess the potential of the gold mining industry in Mauritania, including the availability of resources, labor and infrastructure.

3- Creation of a task force comprising representatives of the government, individual miners and other stakeholders to oversee the development of the national gold mining company.

4- Develop a legal framework for the national gold mining company that defines the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders.

Day 30-90:


1- Determine suitable sites for gold mining operations and conduct site assessments.

2- Develop a recruitment strategy to attract skilled labor to the National Gold Mining Company.

3- Starting to purchase the necessary equipment and supplies for the National Gold Mining Company.

4- Develop health and safety regulations and procedures to ensure the safety of all workers.

Day 90-180:


1- Start building gold mining facilities, including mines, processing plants and supporting infrastructure.

2- Attracting and training employees for the National Gold Mining Company.

3- Establishing partnerships with international mining companies to benefit from their experience and expertise, especially "Kinross Tasiast" the Canadian company, which operates in Mauritania and exploits one of the largest gold mines in the world.

Day 180-365:


1- Starting gold mining operations and implementing production plans.

2- Develop marketing strategies to sell gold produced by the National Gold Mining Company.

3- Conduct periodic safety checks and training courses to ensure the safety of workers.

4- Review the progress of the National Gold Mining Company and make the necessary adjustments to improve efficiency and profitability.



Establishing a national gold mining company in Mauritania can greatly boost the country's economy while improving safety conditions for individual miners. By making use of the government's existing mining infrastructure and expertise, and cooperating with individual miners, a national gold mining company can become a successful and profitable venture. With a comprehensive plan and a clear implementation timeline, a national gold mining company can be up and running within a year.