Mauritania's Natural Gas Development Journey


Mauritania, a country blessed with abundant offshore natural gas reserves, is on an exciting journey towards unlocking its energy potential. Through strategic partnerships, technological advancements, and a commitment to sustainable development, Mauritania is transforming its natural gas resources into a catalyst for economic growth and energy security.


This article delves into the timeline of Mauritania's natural gas development, highlighting key milestones, significant discoveries, and the collaborative efforts of companies like Kosmos Energy, BP, Shell, Qatar Energy, and Total Energy. From exploration and discovery to infrastructure development and green initiatives, Mauritania is paving the way for a prosperous future driven by its vast natural gas reserves.

Mauritania's Natural Gas

Major gas fields in Mauritania:

GTA Gas field : 20 trillion cubic feet

Bir Allah Gas field : 80 trillion cubic feet

Banda Gas field :1.2 trillion cubic feet

Mauritania's natural gas partners

Timeline for Natural Gas Development in Mauritania


2012: Exploration and Discovery

- Building on Kosmos Energy's entry, the company makes significant natural gas discoveries in Mauritania's offshore territorial waters.

- Notable gas fields discovered include the Greater Tortue Ahmeyim (GTA) gas field, Bir Allah gas field, and Banda gas field.

- Over the course of several years, Kosmos Energy drills four wells offshore Mauritania, namely Tortue-1, Marsouin-1, Ahmeyim-2, and Orca-1.


- Each well uncovers significant natural gas resources, showcasing the immense potential of Mauritania's offshore gas reserves.

- The Marsouin-1 and Orca-1 wells, located in the BirAllah block, are resources to support a large-scale LNG project in Mauritania.


2017: Establishment of the Mauritania and Senegal BP region

- BP, in partnership with the governments of Mauritania and Senegal, establishes the Mauritania and Senegal BP region.

- This collaboration aims to maximize the potential of a gas field that straddles the maritime borders of both countries.


2018: Final Investment Decision in the first phase of the Greater Tortue Ahmeyim Project (GTA)

- BP announces the Final Investment Decision (FID) for the first phase of the Greater Tortue Ahmeyim Project (GTA), a cross-border development between Mauritania and Senegal.

- The GTA project holds the potential to be a source of domestic energy and revenue for both countries.


2023: Milestones in Natural Gas Development

2023 marked significant milestones in Mauritania's natural gas development journey. The first phase of the GTA project commenced production, marking a major step forward in the development of the Great Tortue Ahmeyim field. The production of natural gas from this field brings opportunities for economic prosperity and energy self-sufficiency for both Mauritania and Senegal.


Additionally, an LNG Center was established in 2023. This infrastructure and facility serve as a hub for the production and export of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). The establishment of the LNG Center enhances the capacity to process, store, and ship natural gas in its liquefied form, opening doors to international markets and diversifying export opportunities.


2023 and beyond: Expansion and Diversification

Looking ahead, Mauritania aims to expand and diversify its natural gas sector to unlock further potential. The country focuses on the following initiatives:


1. Gas to Electricity: Mauritania aims to develop its energy sector by utilizing natural gas to generate electricity. This initiative promotes renewable energy sources and enhances the country's energy mix, ensuring a sustainable and reliable power supply.


2. Development of the Banda Field: The exploitation of the Panda gas field, estimated to have substantial natural gas reserves, presents an opportunity for increased production and revenue generation.


3. Introducing Gas in Industry: Mauritania seeks to utilize natural gas as a feedstock in various industries. By integrating natural gas into manufacturing processes, the country enhances value-added production and reduces dependence on imported energy sources.


Furthermore, the Mauritanian government has signed agreements with renowned energy companies such as Shell, Qatar Energy, and Total Energy. These agreements aim to exploit the gas fields in block C10 and block C8, further expanding the country's natural gas production capabilities.


2026 and beyond: Further Growth and Green Initiatives

As Mauritania progresses, it plans to tap into additional gas fields to continue its growth trajectory:

1. Developing the Bir Allah Field: The exploitation of the Bir Allah gas field contributes to increasing natural gas production and expanding the country's resource base.


2. GTA Phase 2: Progressing towards Phase 2 of the Greater Tortue Ahmeyim project demonstrates the commitment to continued development and enhanced collaboration between Mauritania and Senegal.


Moreover, Mauritania envisions green hydrogen production initiatives that utilize renewable energy sources to produce sustainable fuels. This step aligns with global efforts to transition to cleaner energy solutions and reduces carbon emissions. In terms of infrastructure, the construction of a pipeline network linking offshore gas fields to the Mauritanian mainland is underway. This pipeline infrastructure ensures efficient transport of natural gas, supporting domestic consumption and enabling regional export capabilities


2030 and beyond: Green Steel Production

Looking further into the future, Mauritania aims to invest in technologies and infrastructure to enable green steel production. Natural gas will serve as the primary feedstock, providing a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to traditional steel production methods. This initiative aligns with global sustainability goals and positions Mauritania as a leader in environmentally friendly steel production.


Throughout the natural gas development journey, Mauritania emphasizes continuous growth, diversification, and sustainability. By fostering international partnerships, investing in infrastructure, promoting renewable energy, and ensuring environmental and social responsibility, Mauritania aims to unleash its full potential, driving economic prosperity and a sustainable future for its people